Caring for life and the planet

Personalised Therapy


Teacher or presenter: Pilar Novoa
Dates: To be defined.
Timetable: Once per week
Venue: Attendance-based in Madrid. To be defined.
Price: 70 Euros per session payable monthly according to the number of sessions planned.
Discounts: Unemployed and retired (over 65 years of age or early retirement).
Requirements: None

What does the course consist of?

Individual therapy is very necessary when group therapy is not sufficient. Of course, the latter is more economical and richer in every respect, but the former offers us the possibility of establishing greater intimacy. This is sometimes necessary when we have inexpressible fears that we need to share, or very specific problems that few people would understand.

In these cases, individual therapy with a humanist and/or transpersonal psychologist is very useful because it allows the person to approach these particular issues with complete trust.

We recommend a maximum of two years. After this period, the person should generally be capable of continuing in life by following their intuition and developing their own internal resources, because we all have something inside us that is driving us forward.

We advise you not to become entrenched with any specific specialist and to learn to take your own decisions. We trust in your ability to face life serenely with a little push in the right direction. Do not settle into the comfort of using the therapist as a life jacket. Therapists have their problems just like you, and they are no better than anybody else. They simply help you, from a very deep understanding, to see yourself better.

We do not accept all patients, only some, others are referred, according to their cases, to other professionals. If you are interested, ask for an appointment via the form below.

Request information

If you are interested in this course on simple prevention, or other similar courses, please contact us via this form

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