This massage is nearly always given only to the feet until the person has advanced a great deal and we can touch other limbs. Thanks to this massage, we can heal unconscious patterns that damage the person’s health at a physical, emotional and mental level.
This massage originates in the work of British naturopath Robert St. John. It is a caress that contacts the person’s vital energy and, although it can be given by anybody, the reality is that the level of awareness of the person giving the massage strongly affects the results of the therapy.
Thanks to this therapy we can travel to the origin of the creation up to the present day, healing all that history that influences us at unconscious levels, going through millennia in just a few minutes, so that you can clean what is damaging you to this day, both what It comes from your birth, like everything that happened in pregnancy and long before it. For this reason, this massage is especially good for pregnant women and young children who have been born with a problem that is difficult to heal.