Caring for life and the planet


Courses, individual and group activities
reducing stress and anxiety

Reducing Stress and Anxiety

If you feel that your life is a burden, that you do not have time for anything, that they always take you by the hand to do things because you are exhausted and do not know how to get out of the routine, you have reached the ideal place to regain faith in it. morning. There are a lot of things to do.

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Freedom Through Forgiveness

Freedom Through Forgiveness

Come along and forgive your friend, that forgotten member of your family, that ex-partner who hurt you so much, and you will see that life will smile at you again.

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Basic TAO course

Basic TAO Course

With the basic Tao course, you will set out along an ancestral path to self-development. This is very extensive and covers all the spheres of interest. Through this first approach, you will learn to transform your negative emotions, increase your vitality and take better decisions. There is nothing better than Tao to help us find our inner energy and reach truly deep meditative states and plunge into the depths of our being, to realise what we really are.

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acknowledging envy to heal

Acknowledging Envy to Heal

Come and we will help you to recognise your value and to love yourself more. You are a special person who deserves the best in the world. Come along and you will see. Fill in this form for further information.

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Metamorphic Massage

Metamorphic Massage

This massage is nearly always given only to the feet until the person has advanced a great deal and we can touch other limbs. Thanks to this massage, we can heal unconscious patterns that damage the person’s health at a physical, emotional and mental level.

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Garbage recycling course

Monographic of Refuse Recycling

It is important to know how to separate our rubbish properly or the task of recycling may become very complex and fail to provide results. For this reason, you need to be responsible and understand which products you can throw away in each of the bins and avoid mixing them.

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Personalized therapy

Personalised Therapy

Humanistic and / or transpersonal psychology is very useful, because it allows the person to approach those particular issues with full confidence.

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Basic Mindfulness Course

One of the most important experiences of the human being is to be aware of who we really are. We do not identify with many things that are not ourselves and this fixation separates us from people who could be friends. Not only this, but our own true qualities remain hidden from us. Mindfulness enables us to set out along a path of disidentification and discovery of our true being.

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macrobiotic food course

Macrobiotic Cookery Course

Macrobiotics is a type of nutrition seen from a very wide perspective, which is the energetic perspective. It avoids extremes, such as alcohol, sugar, red meat and all kinds of processed foods.

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organic farming course

Organic Agriculture Course

We all know about the lawsuits filed against Monsanto-Bayer for the use of insecticides in agriculture, which cause serious diseases such as cancer. It is becoming increasingly necessary to eat organic produce.

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course on how to consume less garbage

Monographic of how to Reduce the use of Plastic

We know that there is a bin for plastic packaging but the truth is that, even if we separate our rubbish properly, most of the plastic waste that is thrown away is not recycled, but ends up in landfill sites, in incinerators, or in the sea, polluting our planet and causing diseases in people.

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weekly mildfulness workshop

Fortnighly Mindfulness Workshop

To maintain your daily practice of mindfulness we facilitate groups meeting on a fortnightly basis, so that you can reconcile the practice with your day-to-day activities. This will help you to improve your stress levels and truly advance along your path to self-development. Mindfulness is no more than being present in the here and now and enjoying life without fixation, rejection or indifference, being completely alive and connected to life.

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weekly TAO workshop

Fortnighly TAO Workshop

Sometimes it is difficult to practise alone. We need the support of other people to keep going. Therefore, it is necessary to come together with others, not only to share this practice, but to support each other with different issues. Groups are essential to enable us to feel part of a whole. We invite you to practise TAO every fortnight. The only requirement is to have completed a basic Tao course.

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You are SoySol

If you have lost your faith in human beings or even in yourself, we would like to tell you that we believe in you. Our dream is possible.